Monday, October 06, 2008

South Fulton Needs A Change

South Fulton County its time to remove ourselves from the malaise that has overtaken us in Fulton County Schools District 4. I'm asking everyone to go to the polls and vote for a change. It's time to remove Linda Bryant from the Board and replace her with someone more responsive to our needs.

Dr. Adrienne Berry is seeking the 4th District seat and she is more than capable in working in our best interest. Readers vote for Dr. Berry in the 4th District race for the Fulton County Board of Education. For those new to the area. South Fulton has fought for every scrap that has been pushed our way. With a 5-2 advantage north Fulton gets all the resources. We need a consensus builder.

Mrs. Bryant has sat by and watched forced principal turnover hurt our schools in South Fulton. Every three - four years principals are removed once a school starts achieving. We can't let this continue our children will continue to suffer.

Vote for Dr. Berry!!!

Go ahead tell me why we shouldn't replace Linda Bryant.


Anonymous said...

If you want your vote to count, vote Dr. Berry for S. Fulton County Board.

She is energetic and inspiring.

Make your vote count.

Anonymous said...

Of course, we can only speculate about what Dr. Berry would actually accomplish for our district. But getting Linda Bryant out of the seat would in itself be a start.

Hard to defeat an incumbent with engrained political and community ties. Would take an Obama like effort and strategy (Yes we can). But good luck!

Anonymous said...

Just like it was a no brainer for voters in Fulton to boot Myron Freemand and voters in Clayton to bott Victor Hill this is a no brainer.

More people than you think know recognize how badly things have become on 16 years of Linda Bryant's pathetic leadership.

Most have concluded that voting for anyone but Linda would be an improvement and they're thankful that Dr. Berry has steped forward to give us a choice.

Anonymous said...

How anyone who has watched Linda Bryant at a board meeting try to piece a coherent sentence together could support or vote for her would simply be amazing.

The sad thing is most folks do not know how much she takes you and your child for granted. She blows off constituents who call her out for not doing her job as being ignorant.

She does not return email send to her asking any tough questions and if you dare to call her on her job or at home she gets p*ssed and annoyed that you are disturbing her.

Just go to watch a board meeting and see for yourself. It is simply embarrassing that the only black member on the board looks like such a buffoon:

Anonymous said...

I hope folks look on the ballot beyond just vour for for Obama and vote for Adrienne Berry for school board.

Getting rid of Linda Bryant is the change our schools and children really need.

Anonymous said...

The same bunch of power brokers that tried to sell you a bill of goods with a City of South Fulton, want you keep Linda Bryant in office because she owes them.

That's why she was on the cityhood road show with Roger "I haven't Produced squat" Bruce.

Some came out to boot Bruce but not enough folks, so we are stuck with an ineffective state representative for another few years.

Don't make the same mistake with Linda Bryant - send her packing!!!

Our children can't affort more of the cronyism that we have to put up with His Highness Roger Bruce.

Anonymous said...

If you have issues with education in South Fulton and did not vote for a change from Linda Bryant, SHUT UP!