Tuesday, November 06, 2007

WalMart of Hwy 92 in South Fulton?

Of all the uninspiring things that could have been thrown at us in South Fulton is another WalMart. There are two others in South Fulton, Old National Hwy and Union City. Now with in it's infinite wisdom Union City strikes again. This time by approving the zoning for another one across from the Parkway Village on 92 and the Parkway. Now tell me why we need another Sam Walton store in South Fulton?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Unincorporated South Fulton!!!

Now that we've voted to remain unincorporated how do we improve upon what we have?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Incorporation Fails

The effort put forth to form a city of South Fulton went down without much of a fight in the end. What happened? Let's talk about it.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

South Fulton -- Decision Time

With the passage of HB725 and SB301 South Fulton residents are poised to cast their ballot for or against incorporating a new city and opening up Fulton Industrial Blvd. Unfortunately the vote will not take place until this fall. Thanks to the governor. Several scenarios could play out.

1) If the city and Fulton Industrial district are approved there's going to be a race for mayoral and council. At that point old and new leadership may emerge to carry forth the birthing of the new city. The learning curve will be steep.

2) If the city vote fails FIB is supposedly off the table.

3) If the city vote fails will annexations eat up what remains of unincorporated South Fulton County.

It's close to decision time in South Fulton County. What do you think?