Thursday, September 16, 2010

Saturday, December 20, 2008

South Fulton Living Returns

After spending a month fighting with my server I've finally got the web site up and running again. It was a long fight and I've missed alot! Send me an email to let me know what I've missed and bring me up to date with your programs and news items.

email -

Also check out our new South Fulton Living blog at

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

South Fulton School Redistricting in Final Stretch

After two rounds of comments and a final map, it's clear Fulton County schools don't listen to parents. The final draft map was presented on Monday night and basically 40% of Creekside students will now be zoned for South Fulton high and another 25% from Westlake.

Parents are concerned about traffic flow and some special programming. Unless there's going to be a traffic light installed at Hall Road and Hwy 92 in the next eight months expect accidents on a weekly basis.

The draft plan can be seen on the redistricting website Go back often to track whether or not the questions and comments from parents are being considered. I for one know the Primary Criteria are a farce. Geographical Proximity has never been a consideration in redistricting the way it is being touted know.

Some of you may remember Randolph and Stonewall Tell redistricting. Children from the Boat Rock community were bused to ST when Randolph sits around the corner. I personally know parents who jumped for joy. Well know the case appears that you can live across I-285 on Camp Creek (closer to TriCities) and get zoned for Westlake while living in Cliftondale (which is closer) you are zoned for South Fulton.

It's a number's game.

The good thing is Creekside will not be over crowded.

By the way the colors for the new school are green and gold. Mascot choices: Stallions, Panthers and Bisons. Names: Langston Hughes and Vanguard are among the choices. Stay tuned.